STEP DC has developed the following four initial objectives to guide our efforts in 2024. As we move forward, these will be expanded with the collective input of our the Deanwood community and Covenant Ministry Partners.
STEP DC builds on the Generations Initiative in the Deanwood neighborhood of Ward 7 which provides a starting place for a renewed commitment to serve the inner-city community, especially with a coalition coming together in the area of family support and parenting.
In the near-term, STEP DC will bring Covenant Ministry Partners together with local Deanwood community leaders via a conference at Hughes Memorial United Methodist Church on May 4, 2024, to communicate neighborhood needs and the capabilities of partners to address these needs.
Based on the information captured during the May 4th conference, and with input from executive committee members, STEP DC will develop a summary report and calendar of opportunities to address local needs during the Summer and Fall of 2024. These will include:
Educational opportunities (e.g., vacation bible school, tutoring classes, resume writing, STEM learning, wellness, drug and alcohol prevention, parenting, marriage classes, museum visits)
Recreation opportunities (e.g., sport camps, boat trips, etc.)
Cultural opportunities (e.g., youth cookouts and dinners, meals, birthday parties, Juneteenth, 4th of July, girls and boys club events)
STEP DC will train dedicated Covenant Ministry Partners to support STEP DC operations, and hold executive committee meetings to coordinate efforts.